
What are the four types of corporate culture?

by Stephen Conmy

The four types of corporate culture are:

1: Clan culture

2: Adhocracy culture

3: Market culture

4: Hierarchy culture

Each refers to a Greek god and are based on the individual god’s personality and powers.

Clan culture: the ‘Dionysos’ corporate culture

A clan culture enforces no specific organisational culture. Everyone has the right to manage their work and schedule according to their personal style. The objective of this type of culture is to foster long-term cohesion and let everyone express themselves freely so that the company can achieve its goals.

Read more: What does culture eats strategy for breakfast mean? 

Adhocracy culture: the ‘Athena’ corporate culture

In adhocracy cultures, managers have a long-term vision. In organisations that adhere to an adhocracy culture, teams are constantly motivated to wage war against the competition. This corporate culture focuses on innovation, creativity, and flexibility for all staff members, including those with diverse backgrounds.

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Market culture: the ‘Apollon’ corporate culture

With a market culture, the organisation always puts its best foot forward and places itself at the forefront of performance service and customer service. Market culture is specific to certain sectors of activity, including those that are very competitive. Market culture is all about beating the competition and establishing the company as a leader in its field.

Hierarchy culture: the ‘Zeus’ corporate culture

In a hierarchical culture, everyone accepts their position to fulfil their mission and stay on track. One of the benefits of this Zeus-like hierarchy culture is that it provides reassurance. Team members’ commitment to hierarchical culture promotes the success of a common shared goal. Due to this commitment, people want to get involved in projects and achieve goals to increase the company’s turnover.

Free eBook: A leader’s guide to company culture. 

The importance of a good company culture

In the short video below,  Zoë Bailey, head of strategic operations at Withers & Rogers LLP, explains why an open culture, a culture which encourages people to try new things and not to be afraid of failure, is so valuable.

Culture is the essence of a business and can make or break a firm. It needs constant nurturing which is especially relevant in today’s world of agile and hybrid working.

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