28 September /23

Navigating ESG – Creating a Sustainable Future for Your Company

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Masterclass presented by

Ruth Odih

Assistant Company Secretary Centrica Plc
Thursday, 28th of September 2023 at 12:30 (GMT+1)
Members Only


This masterclass

Join us for the first instalment of our comprehensive five-part ESG Masterclass series. The series has been designed to provide you with a step-by-step roadmap for navigating through the world of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). The series will empower you with the information and tools you need to start applying ESG to your organisation and working towards its continued success.

Ruth Odih, assistant company secretary at Centrica Plc and governance expert, starts the series by addressing that crucial first step: understanding and defining your ESG framework.

ESG is a hot boardroom topic across the globe. It’s now too important to sideline and is no longer an optional extra for corporate boards. Successful organisations are already putting it front and centre of their business strategy.

This means many senior business leaders are now under pressure to adapt and deliver tangible results in topics they’re unfamiliar with.

With Ruth’s expert guidance, you’ll learn:

  • How to turn your ESG aspirations into actionable initiatives.
  • How and when to communicate your actions with stakeholders. 
  • A robust understanding of different  ESG frameworks and how they operate.

Come away from the Masterclass with the practical knowledge you need to start putting ESG at the core of your organisation.

All previous masterclasses for directors

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