Member Spotlights

Denise O’Connor

by Lisa Sweeney

What does leadership mean to you and how do you define it?

Engage. Be resilient. Stay curious.

What is the most important lesson you have learned, from your personal or business life?

Understand your customers and stay relevant to them.

Is there someone who has had a major impact on you as a leader?

Tim Bouchier-Hayes.

Have you experienced failure? If so, what did you learn?

Of course. Acceptance and resolve both play a part in moving forward.

Who do you admire in the business world and why?

Bronek Masojada, for his exemplary leadership of Hiscox over the course of 21 years.

What advice would you offer to new or aspiring board directors?

Take the time to find a fit that’s right for you and the business.

If you were able to run one company, apart from your own business, which would you choose and why?

A business in the field of insurance sector thought leadership.

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Diploma in ESG

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Meet our guest

Denise O'Connor

Commercial Mediator at IPOS Mediation